It’s Wednesday! We have all made it half way through the week, YAY! I don’t know about you, but some weeks feel so much longer than others [especially during the summer if your stuck inside working.]
Today on House of Classy, I wanted to talk a little bit about mental health and how I have dealt with it myself over the past few years. I recently came across this amazing article about a woman who sent an email out to her work place saying that she was taking two days off to focus on her mental health and the way her boss responded was incredible. You guys have to read it! The response is so surprising, especially today with all of the mental health stigmas.
I personally struggle with depression and anxiety and it has definitely affected my everyday life whether it is at work, my home life, or in different relationships. There are many days when I have felt like I can’t get out of bed, or that I want to sleep all day long so that I don’t have to face the day. The few times I have taken a ‘health and wellness’ day at my current job, I always felt guilty that I wasn’t actually sick with something like a cold or flu when really, this is something that is just as important to take time to yourself to feel better. Don’t be fooled by what my everyday life looks like through social media because I can assure you, those are the moments that I have worked hard to get myself out of bed to accomplish my goals. I also plan a lot of these days out so that I can capture some of the more exciting moments of my life, or to get some great photos of a new outfit I have worked hard to pay for myself. I know that many people go through the same things or worse than myself, and it is sad that not everyone accepts this as an illness rather than us ‘faking it’ or saying ‘it’s all in your head’ when you need a day off from everything.
Just remember, if you have ever felt this way, you are definitely not alone and it does get better! I am so lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend and family around me, that really does make all the difference. It is so important to find someone you can trust and talk to openly about this, I know from experience if I can talk to someone about how I am feeling [good or bad] I always feel so much better afterwards. The more we speak out about this, the more these conversations will become normal and comfortable for us to talk about!
[xo] -M
Sun Dress [on major sale!]
Tory Burch Sandals [sold out but similar here]
Sunglasses [similar here]

What do you think?