Recently, I have been really sick with the usual cold that everyone gets. Â Sadly it has been over the last month, and it had a huge impact on my health and how I spent my last few weeks of summer. Â I am always sick at least 5x during the year and as soon as someone at work gets sick, I know I will have it within the week. Â It’s not like I don’t take care of myself, I am always exercising, taking vitamins, and eating healthy, I just have a horrible immune system. Â If anyone has an amazing nutritionist, please let me know because I have tried everything! Â These photos are from the little get-away to Campbell River last weekend and it was exactly what I needed to unwind!
Today on HOC, I am talking about how I get through these rough periods and how to get back up and running. Â Here are five things that really help me:
1.] Accept It
This is the hardest part. Â Feeling sluggish and not being able to complete daily tasks to my full potential is the worst, let alone having to call in sick. Â When your sick, thats your bodies way of saying its time to take a break. Â Allow yourself to rest and reset –it will take a lot less time to heal if you take a couple of days off to relax and reset [and don’t feel guilty, we all need it!]
2.] Exercise Â
There is nothing better than going for a run, getting that heart beat up, and feeling those endorphins kick in. Â It is the BESTÂ feeling and it keeps me motivated for a long time after my workout to get other things done throughout the day.
3.] Unplug
Turn off your phone! Â This is a big one for us bloggers. Â It is such a habit to scroll through our phones all day long without even realizing how much time it takes up. Â Trust me, as soon as your phones off you will feel like a piece of you is missing, but roll with it… Â It’s only for a couple of hours and it will refresh your mind not being on social media for a little while.
4.] Have a ME day
Be selfish once in a while. Â Go for a massage [for those of you with medical coverage] WHY NOT!? Get your nails done, read a book, watch episode after episode of your fav tv show, get out for a long walk. Â Do whatever it is that makes you feel good. Â Life is too short not to do the things you love!
5.] Friends and Family
Spend time with the people that make your life more positive. Â I don’t know about you guys, but a girls night out is all I need to help me get out of a funk. Â It’s the people you surround yourself with that make all the difference. Â For me, I know when I go out I won’t be able to feel my abs the next day from all the laughing I do with my friends; thats how I like to spend my free time. Â I refuse to be around people that bring me down, or cause drama for no reason. If, for some reason, I end up being around people like that, I cut them out quickly because it has a big impact on me and I know its unhealthy.
How do you get over feeling burnt out? Â
What do you think?